About Us
Our Mission
We love! We serve!
For those desiring more...
We love, encourage, and equip community residents in their journey toward discovering a meaningful life of faith in Jesus Christ and a way of living that is God-honoring, fulfilling, and sustainable.
Passion and Compassion
We love God! We love people! We are passionate about our God! We are compassionate to people! We are a community of believers on a mission!
We believe to get the most out of life we must know God personally, grow in our relationship with God and others and intentionally go and serve others to make a difference!
Come join us in our journey towards getting the most out of life!
Remember, what is important is faith working through love! (Gal.5:6)
OUR HISTORY: A Little of our Story!
Blood n Fire was first seen in Muncie on a Saturday before Christmas in 1995. The place? Muncianna Homes a notorious and desperately needy public housing project that some very special people called home. Every Saturday morning, regardless of the weather, for several years, trucks, trailers, and cars full of people, food, grills, equipment, and supplies would begin to appear. Smoke would start to roll from the barbeque pits, music was playing, and the meal preparation was underway.
Soon, teams of people from a host of partner churches would join the Blood n Fire (BNF) core in setting up for a noon meal, and then they would hit the streets of the neighborhood going door to door knocking and declaring aloud "Blood-N-Fire- groceries and prayer!"
Many doors opened each week, some for groceries, some for prayer, and some for both. As relationships formed and grew, it became more about visiting with one another than anything else. Everyone was invited to join us for a meal, music, ministry, and fellowship in the name of Jesus! Much was experienced, and much was learned. Our BNF City Church and Urban Ministry matured.
Over the years, BNF has transitioned from weekly outreaches, door-to-door ministry, and serving meals in the projects to sharing a meditation and serving a community meal, followed by our food pantry each Saturday afternoon. We have seen some of our friends intentionally move into our targeted neighborhoods to live incarnationally- sharing life and love with our neighbors.
What steadfastly remains is our heart to love people! Over the years, we have developed initiatives including a Food Pantry, School Enrichment programming, Summer Youth Recreation, Prom Dress Store, Community Christmas Store, Block Parties, Holiday outreaches, Neighborhood Service Projects, Neighborhood Gardening, and more. We founded a community development corporation called Inside Out that produced and distributed 550,665 meals to hungry kids in 9 years. Blood n Fire (BNF) is located at 300 N. Madison Street.
We love, encourage, and equip community residents in their journey toward discovering a meaningful life of faith in Jesus Christ and a way of living that is God-honoring, fulfilling, and sustainable.